Dear Partners,
30.4.20, 13:45
Dear Partners,
We want you to know that we are thinking of all of you during this very difficult time. We hope you are all well despite the circumstances!
We are trying to stay busy here at Elevation Wine Partners, though on a remote basis. We are all working from home and doing everything we can to support the efforts of our accounts by continuing to take orders and plan for the future when this crisis will be over.
We appreciate our warehouse and trucking company for staying open and making it possible for all of us to remain in business. Fond du Lac has had to condense certain delivery dates and cut hours to keep their staff employed and working at safe social distances. Below is the new schedule for our NYC:
• No deliveries or pick-ups on Mondays.
• No deliveries in Manhattan on Wednesdays – although the other 4 boroughs will have deliveries on Wednesdays)
The distress caused by all the restaurant closings is immeasurable. Our thoughts go out to all the hospitality partners that have closed or shut down temporarily and to the workers who have been furloughed or laid-off. We salute the retailers and restaurants that have remained open for take-out and delivery and are providing food and wine to comfort the people affected by lockdowns and quarantines.
We look forward to surviving this crisis with all of you, and to returning to normal business conditions in better days ahead.
Stay Safe!